Saturday, April 26, 2008

Going to California...

Just me. Andy will be playing Mr. Mom all next week and be taking care of Taylor. Wish him luck! I leave early (4:15am!) on Monday and come back on Friday. I have labeled Taylor's clothes for the week, and made lists for Andy that are posted on the fridge. Sure, I admit to being crazy, but it's the first time I've been away since Taylor was born.

We went to the Legends today and spent money we didn't have (yay Credit). Andy picked out a too cute swimsuit for Taylor, and we all got some clothes at the Gap outlet. We went into the Jockey store, and the old ladies there would NOT leave us alone. Apparently, we have a cute kid. Did you know that? We just found out today. They tried to trade me a bra for the baby. Sure. The crazy pseudo-grandma's at Jockey also imparted all of their motherly wisdom on us. We needed that. We have been struggling to find someone to give us advice, so I'm glad we found it today ;->

We also got Taylor the coolest new toy (safety junkies, please skip ahead to the next paragraph). At daycare, they have a Johnny-Jump-Up and Taylor digs it. Everytime I'm there and she is in it, she is bouncing and laughing and having a great time. So, we found one at Target today, and it is awesome! From the picture, you will not be able to see the glee in my child's face, but please know that it is there. I will get a video hopefully tomorrow with her in it... it is now with the ball popper and the croc-piano as our favorite new toys. (The ball popper is starting to go down on my list; I have to do all the work for that one.)

In other news, Taylor has a new second cousin Jack. He has freaky long fingers, and his mom(Andy's cousin) is super-mom. I do not know anyone who could have a child and blog about it the same day....all with NO DRUGS. Go Sarah!

Ok...enough. Pictures please.

This is my magic croc-piano wand. It can bring hours of entertainment.

I knight you "Sir Huck". Please don't lick the wand.

Yes, this is the incredibly cute child that random strangers love and adore.

Now that I am (almost) 7 months old, I think I will hold my own bottle. I will also stare you down as I do this so you know that I am uber-talented and amazing.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Proof of the tooth? Or not....

If you look real close in this first picture, you can see just the little tip of white on Taylor's lower right tooth. It may not look like much now, but it's so sharp! And aren't you impressed with Taylor showing you her new tooth? She follows instructions so well.

"Dang coaster won't fit in my mouth; are these regulation size or what?!"

She's waving at you!
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Monday, April 14, 2008

Anbesol, teething rings, childrens Tylenol, and ice cubes....

Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a tooth. It popped up today at daycare, and is a little sharp bit in Taylor's mouth. I was pretty excited, apparently Taylor isn't McLovin the teething situation though. Our daycare ladies said she was pretty upset until they gave her an ice cube. I'll try to take a picture of the little bugger tomorrow -- maybe we will even brush it!

(OK, chill out if you are thinking "Oh my, Megan is going to hurt her child". 1. No, I am not going to overdose her on anbesol & Tylenol. We haven't even used that stuff yet, but we have it on hand. 2. Of course I am NOT going to aggravate the sensitive gums around her tooth by brushing it. At least not until more of it shows up.)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Way back in '07.....

I found this today. Oh, how little Taylor was...she has only gained 10 pounds and gotten 7 inches longer, but the changes are remarkable. Such a funny picture!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

6 Months Old!!

The last 2 weeks have been pretty busy. We had to find new daycare, we have all been sick, and Taylor turned 6 months old. At Taylor's six month check up, she got 3 shots in her legs that made her scream until her face turned blue. She now weighs 18 lbs, and is 27 inches long. As the pictures will show you, she is a pro at sitting up more of that toppling business! We start at the new daycare on Monday, and hopefully we will be watching the Hawks in the Championship game on Monday night!!

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