Dear Daycare provider,
I really like that you take care of my child, and that you try to provide for her like you would your own. You also seem to enjoy being paid little (comparably) for watching anywhere from 1 to 6 children that aren't your own. You only take 2 weeks of vacation a year, and you have no health benefits. You put up with crazy, obsessive, know-it-all mothers and with kids that puke on you, sneeze on you, spit on you, and God-knows-what-else on you. You get to spend time with my child 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. My child gets to play with other funny little kids, that teach her the funniest little things. I
truly do appreciate the service that you provide, in order for me to provide a better life for my baby and family.
You run a business, and I understand this. If I respect that your daycare/home is a business, than you should treat it that way at all times. So, the next time you decide to kick me and the cutest little girl ever out on the street with only 4 days to find a new home, please consider the
ol' 2 week notice rule. In fact, I believe that is even in our contract. I won't press it though, I just hope you treat the next mother better. It would be greatly appreciated from all working mothers who regret having to take their child to someone else during the day.
Thank you -
Working & stressed out Mom of cutest little girl ever