Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little of this, a pinch of that...

It occurred to me that I hadn't posted any new pictures for a while; here are a few from the arsenal.

Reading one of our favorite books....and clearly engulfed.

Her O's sound Canadian.

Huck was telling jokes tonight.

Dancing to some music. I think this move is the car wash.

A few weeks ago at Uncle Marshall & Aunt Erin's house. This is their puppy Cosmo. He is 7 times the weight of Taylor.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What the french, toast?

I don't know why blogger was being stubborn and not showing the pictures I tried to post the other day...they show up on my computer at home! So, over my 5 minute lunch break -- the pictures are reposted. You can choose your own captions.

Monday, August 4, 2008

At least it's not Hell....

I was driving home from work today, sweat dripping down the backs of my knees, when I saw this phrase on a church sign: "You think it's hot here, this is nothing compared to HELL". Well, ok. Fair enough. It's hot though, dangit.

This is what happens when you take your baby to the Farmer's Market in this weather that doesn't compare to how hot Hell may be:

But we still love jumping.

And she loves avocado! And Feta Cheese! I'm determined to make sure she's not picky like her father.