Inspired by the inauguration of Barack Obama, I felt it was time we changed what had been driving us (and so many vocal others) crazy. Yes, I cut Taylor's hair. Yes, that means she is no longer queen of "Hockey Hair" and no longer can be called "Miss Mullet". However, before you ask why, I did not cut the front. I do not want her to have bangs, and cutting the front would equal just that. It's not a huge difference, but you can definitely tell the difference!

Petting the Pony that Santa brought. She likes to ride it, but it causes her father and I to do a lot of work to make it 'go'. Her legs aren't quite long enough to propel herself yet.
Petting the Pony that Santa brought. She likes to ride it, but it causes her father and I to do a lot of work to make it 'go'. Her legs aren't quite long enough to propel herself yet.
It's also increasingly hard to take her picture while she's standing still. OH, that's right - that's because she doesn't exactly do that. Little busy body.