Sunday, January 25, 2009

Be the change....

Inspired by the inauguration of Barack Obama, I felt it was time we changed what had been driving us (and so many vocal others) crazy. Yes, I cut Taylor's hair. Yes, that means she is no longer queen of "Hockey Hair" and no longer can be called "Miss Mullet". However, before you ask why, I did not cut the front. I do not want her to have bangs, and cutting the front would equal just that. It's not a huge difference, but you can definitely tell the difference!

Petting the Pony that Santa brought. She likes to ride it, but it causes her father and I to do a lot of work to make it 'go'. Her legs aren't quite long enough to propel herself yet.

It's also increasingly hard to take her picture while she's standing still. OH, that's right - that's because she doesn't exactly do that. Little busy body.

Voila. Short hair.

I dig that she likes to vacuum. Hopefully she'll be able to use some of her extra energy to help clean up!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

And we're back....

Let's start back in mid December. We did some Christmas baking and decorating. Taylor fancied up the season with her favorite beads....and some bedhead.

Taylor is sooooo helpful in the kitchen. Here she has on the oven mitts, after having pulled out the dishtowels. You can see Huck was helping as well.

On December 20th, my cousin Samantha got married. It was freezing cold, but a really beautiful service and my cousin made a gorgeous bride. Taylor had to change to her jammies at the reception...she was not up partying like her Mom & Dad that night!

Christmas morning, Santa came and brought an action-packed rocking horse. He even brought some peek-a-boo books that Andy was directed to read right then.

Taylor got to play with her favorite cousin Kaleb....Gosh, do you think they have the Meinen Cheeks?

Taylor stayed with my parents the week following Christmas. They took her to Pratt on New Years Eve and she got to meet my old kitty Kelsey! T loved her, and if you ever met Kelsey, you know how much she loved T back.
Working on her glutes.

We went to another amazing wedding on the 2nd, and Taylor was quite chatty. As the wedding party exited the sanctuary, Taylor waved and said (loudly) "BYE!" to each one of them. Amusing to the people around us, embarrassing to her parents!
I'm headed to Ohio on Sunday for work, so I doubt any updating will occur. I come home on Friday evening, and I'm sure the laundry will be done, the kitchen will be cleaned, the bathroom spotless, and the floors swept. :)