Sunday, January 31, 2010

Too Lousy

Really, the title should say 'Too Lazy', because I'm too lazy right now to walk the 45 steps it would take to get my camera and hook it up to the PC.  As I typed lazy in the title though, it reminded me of something funny Taylor always says....when something is too loud, she dramatically says "OH, it's too lousy."  I will say, "you mean too loud?" and she always responds "Yeah, too lousy."  I don't know why.  So, here are some pictures from last weekend (via e-mail from Grandma Sue):
All items from Grandpa Jack & Grandma Bonnie's house. The thing on her head is one of those 'sleeves' that protects the arm of a couch or chair. (I really have only ever seen them in my grandparents house)

Our daycare lady sent the pacifier home since Connor never uses it.  And why would she, when her thumb is soooooo good.

Snuggling with Lucy the Love Bug.  Can you tell Taylor is tired?

This may be one of my favorites of Connor so far.  We see that smile all the time now, and love it!

This is actually not from last weekend, but the weekend before at T-Rex in KC.  The look on Taylor's face explains sooooooo very much about her experience there!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

All for Connor

Can you believe she's FOUR months old?!  Today we went to her 4 month well baby check, and the little nugget is 13.2 lbs and 24.75 inches.  She's doing great...fighting a little congestion/cold thing, but nothing major.  She is such a happy baby, as was Taylor.  We've been really lucky!

So I really don't think her hair is 'that' red in real life, maybe it's just clean here.

She's grabbing everything lately, toes/clothes/toys/etc.

Taylor had a sick day last Friday - just a little stomach bug I guess.  She was fine by Saturday.  So, lest we neglect the little bear, here she is - lounging in her jammies all day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When life gives you snow....

Make Snowmen!

Taylor and her snowman building partner, my dad.  Clearly this picture is old, since we are getting inches and inches more right now.  Joy.

And finally, the Meinen cousins at Christmas-time. Let's hope their smile timing improves in the coming years.