Even Connor loves a good popsicle...Taylor and I like to say it helps her teeth. Or lack thereof.
We also went to visit my grandparents over this past weekend. My aunt & uncle were in town from California, which was supposed to be the reason we were there. However, the night before they arrived, my Grammie fell down the basement stairs and is pretty beat up. She doesn't have any broken bones, but her poor face looks like she stole Mike Tyson's tiger. Connor was a good snuggle buddy though - and this picture is the one I'm ok with posting because it doesn't show much of the damage on Grammie's face. : (
On a lighter note - Sunday, Taylor went to her first big-girl birthday party. Basically, the first party of a girl from preschool....and where we didn't know the parents. The party was at Zonkers - which is Chuck E Cheese on steriods. No mechanical singing animals though. There was a carousel...
There weren't any belts or anything to hold her on, and I was on the fence of riding with her and holding on. In the end, I just 'let go'....and she was happy as ever.
There also was a roller coaster and an indoor graviton thing too...those I had to ride with her the first time because she is not four...but after the first time, she and the other little kiddos rode together. Here's T with another little girl from school, Harper.
On the way out of the mall (Zonkers is in the mall...maybe I forgot to mention that), we were distracted by the quarter-rides. I didn't have any quarters, but Taylor still wanted to get in and play. Here...we are still riding the birthday-cake sugar high and crazy ride rush...