Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy belated Easter! Here's a pictorial of our egg dying experience....

Taylor woke up from her nap, ready to go...Connor did not want to wake up. So, we let her take her time.

T and I got everything prepped, and even some coloring done.

Everyone awake - happy with getting colored up.

"This's magical!"

And this egg is about to get thrown on the floor.

The end...what remained.

Lots of love from these Crazy Bunnies!
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

A big goosebump and Smore's....

Two weeks, I received an email at work: "Megan, just wanted to let you know that Taylor fell down on the tile floor and hit her head.  She has a pretty big bump, and we are monitoring her very closely.  She is currently acting fine and playing, we also have been icing it and not letting her nap."  Well, of course I left early to go get her.  By the time I arrive - they are all outside playing and Taylor is running around like normal. As soon as she sees me, I hear her yell..."MOMMY! I HAVE A \GOOSEBUMP!"  Apparently, she was dancing in the classroom and while attempting a pirouette (yes, she knows what that is due to a book from Aunt Steph), she bit it and she caught herself with her head.  It wasn't too terrible looking that night, but over the next few days, the bump was just a little bruised.  
The night of the incident...

Fast forward to a week later, and I get another call.  "Megan, Taylor walked into the swingset on the playground today and hit her big bump."  Sheesh.  NOW, her third eye is pretty dramatic.  This weekend it was starting to fade finally, but it still looks like she spent the day at church on Ash Wednesdsay.
After incident #2

The above picture was taken while we took our first camping trip in my parent's RV over the weekend.  Only Saturday & Sunday, but whew...were we tired when we got home.  'Uncle' Marc came out to have dinner as well, and spent time with us walking through the woods looking for 'mountain lions' and reading some stories before the girls had to go inside and watch Princess & the Frog and fall asleep.  We also ate smore's. I love burnt marshmallows.  The girls learned how superb they were too.