Monday we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie, which was the first movie we have actually attended since T was born. What a bust. My review of the new Indy - 1.5 bullwhips out of 5. It makes "Temple of Doom" look like "The Departed".
We came home from the movie to find 3 inches of standing water in our basement. It's probably good Taylor wasn't with us; Andy & I filled up the shopvac 4 times & the mop bucket 3 times. Thank you, house, for that gift.
I kept myself busy on Tuesday putting mulch in the flower beds, thinking that it would help the appearance, and also prevent Niagara Falls downstairs again. It did not. It has rained here every night this week, and we have sucked out the basement every night.
Wednesday we golfed. I won. Big. I should have put money on my game. But, let's not dwell on that.
Thursday I cleaned until Andy came home, and we prepared for "the worst tornado evening since 197x". Blah. No tornadoes. Just more rain. And more shopvac-ing. Thank you again, house. We love you.
What did little Taylor do all week? She went to the zoo, went to an old-lady church dinner, visited the lovely metropolis of Pratt and ate a Pizza Taco, and even hung out one day with Joey & Sam!
I pick Miss T up today at 3:30ish....we are going dehumidifier shopping and then heading home to play with Andy. Forget cleaning, being a mom is much more fun.
1 comment:
Probably because my name is Andy, your blog showed up on my Google alerts. I used to be a famous musician and I'm trying to get things going again. Please check me out. God bless
Andy Pratt
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