Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm only sitting down for 9...wait 8 more minutes.

Andy & I have tomorrow off so we can watch some serious Big 12 basketball during the day, so tonight I plan on getting some house cleaning chores out of the way.  In 8 minutes (it's now 9:52) I am getting up to sweep and then use my carpet cleaner on the living room & hopefully dining room.  If I get the living room done tonight, I'll be super ahead for tomorrow.  I have a pot of coffee on, laundry in, kids asleep.  So, quickly, here are some pictures.

Taylor loves to scream "Naked Jaybird!!!" anytime she or Connor are somewhat undressed.  Notice how glossy Connor's upper lip is; Taylor 'helped' me put some baby Vicks under her nose

Connor fell asleep in her play-walker-thingy while we were working out one morning.  Guess she's not a morning person either.  Thank goodness!

I'm a little too small for my high-chair still...but I need to eat my cereal & green beans!

Ever the helpers, Taylor & Huck 'cleaning up'

After bath-time the other night, Taylor would NOT let me brush her hair until she went down the slide 12 times.  Too bad she gets confused after 11....we never hit 12 but went straight to 14. We'll work on that.

That's it.  Dang it...4 minutes behind schedule.  If Blogger didn't auto-save and 'pause' every two seconds, I'd have made it.

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