Thursday, December 16, 2010

What, you didn't get your Christmas Card yet?

Well, that is because trying to get a 3 year old and 1 year old to take a GOOD picture (or at least one where they are both looking at the camera) is nearly impossible.  Don't believe my excuse?  Fine, I'll prove it:

The first, and probably the best - except Taylor doesn't have her eyes both fully open, Connor looks like she is being held in (she was) and my awesome camera-skills are shown...why don't we zoom in to NOT have the bar in the background??

Um, no.

Taylor suggested that they sit on the step in front of the bar.  Yep - the fully carpeted, 1977 style bar.  Clearly, Connor thought that was hilarious.

After begging me to just take a picture of her....

Aside from the fact the two girls are in their own little orbits - this would have been a terrible picture because you see the Classy fake-tree pole exposed without presents under it. 

Ok, for fun, this time - Connor, you look at the camera and Taylor - you become totally enamored with the carpet or sock or whatever the HECK WAS ON THE FLOOR.

Oh let's put this ornament on the tree together.  Yeah, that's reeeeeeeeal cute. 

See what I mean?!  AND I didn't even post ALL of the outtakes.  Thank goodness for digital cameras; just 6 years ago I would have had to develop all sorts of film for this.  Keep your fingers crossed, there's still a chance that I can get a couple more pictures taken for the card before Monday.

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