Thursday, June 2, 2011

Somewhere in the Middle of America...

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Omaha for my cousin Geoff's wedding.  I have no recollection of ever being in Omaha before, but I liked it!  Their 'Old Market' area is really cool - and of course the zoo was great.  Geoff & his new bride Julia are a great couple with fun friends, and their wedding really reflected that.  We got to spend time with my cousins who I never really get to see anymore...and even spend ADULT time with them.  Thanks again to the Grandparents for taking the girls back to the hotel early!

In true Megan fashion - I forgot my dang camera.  So, all of my current pictures are from my phone.  I'm hoping to steal some from my mom's camera soon.

In the 'Worlds largest Indoor Aquarium'. This giant turtle was swimming over our heads, I wasn't fast enough to take a picture of the shark!

My cousin Steph with Connor.  Connor was showing her the very important pieces of her dress.  Good news - Connor didn't bite anyone (other than Taylor & me) during the reception. And she was excellent during the wedding ceremony - because she slept through the entire thing!

The one picture I have of Taylor on my phone from the reception.  Well, Taylor & Andy's hand.

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