Last Thursday was Taylor's conference. I took the day off and spent the morning at the Downtown Lawrence Sidewalk Sale, cleaned a bit at our house - then went to daycare. Taylor's teacher, Miss Debbie, is from a Montessori background, so she spent some time also explaining how they do learning in her class. Overall - very good report on Miss T.
Taylor is so thoughtful of others and very respectful. In the classroom, the kids aren't asked to 'Share', but to wait for their turn. Taylor respects the 'take your turn' rule very well, and when she is done with something, will make sure to pass on the activity to the next person waiting. (Maybe we should stop saying 'share' at home - pretty sure Connor doesn't give a toad's toe about either way you say it!)
She is very very well spoken and articulate for her age. No problems with expressing herself or verbalizing anything. She is very creative with language, and very imaginative. (no kidding...)
Loves dramatic play (again - Shocked) and dress up/make-believe time. Loves anything that they do in the classroom that has music or art involved.
When doing her art, she has a plan of attack for each project. Where some kids like to fill the entire page, if that isn't in Taylor's plan - she isn't going to do it. Everything is placed on the page(sculpture/item/whatever) with a purpose.
Enjoys 'social life'. Taylor has definitely moved past the parallel play stage. She has a couple of 'best friends' in the class, and she wants to do everything with her friends. She sometimes will make decisions just based on what they are doing. Miss Debbie said she is trying to make sure that she asks Taylor first some day's , so that she does what she really wants - not just to hang around her buddies. I was a little worried about that - but Miss Debbie really emphasized that she feels that T is purely after the social interaction. She said Taylor is very independent, knows what she likes/doesn't like and doesn't have any problems expressing those opinions. So...maybe unnecessary worry on my part. She is only 3.5.
Lunchtime is about 90% talking, 10% eating. But she eventually eats everything when she realizes that everyone else is done and off to play without her! (I received two detentions in my entire life, and they were both for talking. And I was shy. I'm afraid we are in for a lot of 'it wasn't my fault - they were talking to me first' when she is 13)
The only time they ever see tears or an upset Taylor is when someone invades her space. Miss Debbie was full of praise in the fact that T has never, ever shown physical violence towards anyone at school...even the boys who can get pushy and aggressive. She is very vocal about expressing her concerns, so she does a good job using her words instead of her appendages. She is very 'in control' of her emotions.
Overall - just a joy in class. She relates well to others, and loves to help.
There ya go...what I can remember anyway. Now for the schmooze: I'm reminded again how lucky & how great things are for us. Can't be happier with my two little girls and what they've accomplished.
The End.
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