Monday, May 21, 2012

Risk & Reward

We've been trying to work with Connor on staying in her own bed all night long for a while now, and we came up with the reward that she could go to Chuck E Cheese if she stayed in her bed for X nights. Also, this is effort for me because at the end of the week, I am so tired some nights I don't even remember letting her sleep beside me or on the floor!  Finally, we got there. In fact - it's like we turned a corner last week and she did a great job sleeping.  Saturday we finally went to Chuck E Cheese - and wow, that place. It is so gross, busy, crazy, nasty.  But the girls had a great time.


I thought they would chicken out of this once the chair started moving, instead they just loved it.  It's so nice to be surprised like that sometimes!

All the photo booth printers were broken.  Of course.

Not even scared!

I cannot believe they both did this...but it was really slow moving, 
so not near as scary as they thought at first.

Getting ready for the lake!

Next time she earns her reward, we are eating somewhere else and just getting tokens.  Just thinking about the food right now hurts me.

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