Monday, December 21, 2009

The Attidues Inside Are Frightful

You know, 2 year-olds are funny little things.  For instance, I started this post LAST weekend...a weekend where Taylor went from Angel to Heatmiser in under 2 minutes, 24 times a day.  But this weekend, when I finally sat down to load the pictures, I erased everything I had written, because the little bug has been pretty darn awesome all weekend.  Sure, we had a couple of Heatmiser episodes, but she was just in a better mood all weekend than last.  Which leads to me being in a better mood all weekend as well.  Maybe I'll only need one coffee tomorrow.  Right, let's not get cocky...

Taylor went to her first Jayhawk basketball game last weekend, and she was great at the game.  She's got the Rock Chalk chant down...and is getting pretty close on the special clapping on the second verse of "I'm a Jayhawk".

Last weekend we decorated cookies my mom had made (I don't like to bake - too many exact measurements needed).  I did make the icing, so these bad boys turned out super sweet.  Also - I have no idea how much food coloring you are supposed to add, so the colors are VIBRANT! 

Yellow stars...have a little cookie with your icing.

With the green trees, I decided it was time to put the apron on. 

Hey, let's say Taylor did these too.  (They are red gingerbread men...shut it, I am not a good cookie decorator.  Ask my mom)

Oh there were sprinkles.  Were there ever.  I guess I did a poor job of explaining the concept of sprinkles on every tree. 

You were just getting ready to ask what Connor did during all of this, weren't you?  Well, there was thumb sucking involved, and kicking off of socks.  But all of it was done in her favorite place - the BOUNCER!

And after all that decorating, we had to take 'a bathtub'.  According to Taylor, that's a Santa beard. 

"Don't forget about me! I smile, I laugh!  My hair has the same style as Kate Gosselin!"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're good with God...

Connor was baptized the weekend after she is with all of her 'parents'.  Our good friend Jovy & good friend Steph are her Godparents.  We had a big party (that Taylor was STOKED for) at our house afterwards. It was a good time.

This is what you bring your kid to eat after Black Friday shopping...she loves the chocolate long john!  Please also note her H1N1 tattoo on her right arm...that thing just came off yesterday.

In other news, Connor is officially 3 months old!  She's a whopping 11.6 pounds and 23 inches long.  Still, not as big as Andy when he was born :)