Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School - 2013

It went great!

In front of school -- do not know where she get's that look from :)

Staged - she wasn't really sad.

She picked out her own clothes - I don't try and dress her like a granny doll on purpose.

Ready to Go!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Doom & Gloom

It's the first of May, and I am so mad.  We are predicted to get an inch of snow tomorrow.  Are you kidding me?  Currently, the windows are open - the breeze is nice, and it's absolutely wonderful outside.  Mother Nature must be having a bad week in order to jack with us this much.  So - I'll post pictures of our last snow day....in February. I'll embrace the cold (I HATE THE COLD)

Snow Angels

At least her nose was warm

Taylor oddly loves the snow.  Could be out for hours.  

Working on the snow fort wall

Andy even got in on the action

Connor's snow girl

Taylor and her super skinny Snow man.

We are all freezing.  My face was stuck that way for days.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cookie Masters

Decorating cookies with Grandma....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spirit of Giving

The girls' school had a gift donation day where they brought toys in from home and wrapped them up to give to a local shelter.  Here are my monkeys wrapping whatever toy it was Connor decided to bring in.