Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I mean really, if I didn't put captions on these pictures - don't you think you would get the idea of where we were at??

After the zoo visit in the morning, we went to the park and had a picnic. The same park that I used to go to when I was a little girl. A lot of it is the same - the same concrete animals and structures to climb on. They still have the train that goes around the park, but we didn't ride that this time. I miss that the big roller-slide is gone. Apparently it was a safety concern..but I loved that thing.

Later that night, we loaded up in the 95 degree, 100% humidity weather and went to our church's Mexican Fiesta. The girls loved the music, and we went and played in the park after we ate and enjoyed some of the entertainment.

Yeah, nothing's gonna stop this one.

It was a busy Saturday. You can bet that we didn't do much on Sunday.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bedtime and Baby Batman

I took these pictures to try and capture the bruise Connor has developed. She tripped one night (over SOMEONE's Size 15's...not naming names, though!) and smacked her head on the wood step up into our dining room. It immediately started to swell, she screamed, did not lose consciousness, and we called the on-call doctor to find out more. Long story short - all is fine, but she's sporting a smashing facemask now.

I told her to close her eyes, and this is what she did. I laughed so hard trying to take the picture!
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Where were we....

Oh, yes.  We are now caught up to May.  Taylor finished her second round of gymnastics class.

Working on their 'bridges' with the instructor. a gazelle.


Head Stands.

Let's not forget this one, shall we?  Yes - she eats limes...and likes them.  I know, you are probably not surprised.  She also eats, bugs, dirt, food off a movie theater floor, her hair, and well...pretty much anything.

Case in point...I'm not sure if that is food in her mouth in this picture or what.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Catch Up

These pictures are from the past month.  Apparently, I neglected to download the pictures off my camera for a while.  First, we start with a Taylor reward...dinner at Chuck-E-Cheese.  We went through a weird stage where she would not stay in her bed all night long, for one reason or another.  So we created a reward chart (I printed out a blank calendar) and every night she slept in her bed, she got a sticker.  When she got 5 stickers in a row, she could pick a piece of candy out from the candy drawer (which....I should totally toss the whole drawer, but man - bribery can be a powerful parenting tool!).  If she had so many stickers at the end of the month, we would go to Chuck-E-Cheese.  Thus....we are all back to sleeping in our own beds (most of the time)...and we took a trip to Chuck's.  

I would have normally been  mad that she wasn't keeping her food in her mouth while eating, but we were at we fit in.  It was hard to tell her not to do something when every other kid there was worse.

Fast action hands!!

You can tell she played hard, her hair got more disheveled as the night went on.

The following weekend, we decided on a whim to go to a Royals game. It was Fireworks Friday and Buck Night - I think Connor & Taylor both ate two $1 hot dogs a piece.  We took Uncle Marc also - which made the girls' day

Ok - I'm sleepy now.  More later.  Plus,we are apparently in a storm warning and I need to get Andy to move his truck to the more hail damage, please!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Thanks to Aunt Steph, the girls were all decked out at the MKO parade.  The tiaras had flashing lights - and a secret - the flashing lights never turn off!  Guess what I had to hide under our bed that night??

A couple little things about the girls lately (most of you already know this stuff, but I don't want to forget it - and since the internet lasts forever, this is a saving place!).....

As we drove by construction workers on our way out of town, Taylor looked out the window and sighed: "Oh wow. Those guys have sure been hard workin'."

Taylor's class was lining up at pre-school, and as they did so they were asked to share their favorite food. Most of the kids chose ice cream or pizza...but not my daughter. The teachers note said: "Taylor proudly proclaimed that her favorite food is....MEAT!"

As I dropped off Connor one morning her teacher came over and said, "You know, Connor is becoming quite the class clown. She gets all the other kids to laugh a lot!".   I don't know if that's more funny about Connor, or about the teacher.

Monday, June 13, 2011


You wanna know what makes more rings around your bathtub than dirt?  Poop.  And there's nothing I love more than scrubbing the bathtub at 8:30 at night to get the poop out of it, instead of reading books with the girls.

Pics from the weekend soon...maybe when I'm less snarky and not so 'pooped'.  (ha, get it?!, come on)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Somewhere in the Middle of America...

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Omaha for my cousin Geoff's wedding.  I have no recollection of ever being in Omaha before, but I liked it!  Their 'Old Market' area is really cool - and of course the zoo was great.  Geoff & his new bride Julia are a great couple with fun friends, and their wedding really reflected that.  We got to spend time with my cousins who I never really get to see anymore...and even spend ADULT time with them.  Thanks again to the Grandparents for taking the girls back to the hotel early!

In true Megan fashion - I forgot my dang camera.  So, all of my current pictures are from my phone.  I'm hoping to steal some from my mom's camera soon.

In the 'Worlds largest Indoor Aquarium'. This giant turtle was swimming over our heads, I wasn't fast enough to take a picture of the shark!

My cousin Steph with Connor.  Connor was showing her the very important pieces of her dress.  Good news - Connor didn't bite anyone (other than Taylor & me) during the reception. And she was excellent during the wedding ceremony - because she slept through the entire thing!

The one picture I have of Taylor on my phone from the reception.  Well, Taylor & Andy's hand.