Thursday, December 16, 2010

What, you didn't get your Christmas Card yet?

Well, that is because trying to get a 3 year old and 1 year old to take a GOOD picture (or at least one where they are both looking at the camera) is nearly impossible.  Don't believe my excuse?  Fine, I'll prove it:

The first, and probably the best - except Taylor doesn't have her eyes both fully open, Connor looks like she is being held in (she was) and my awesome camera-skills are shown...why don't we zoom in to NOT have the bar in the background??

Um, no.

Taylor suggested that they sit on the step in front of the bar.  Yep - the fully carpeted, 1977 style bar.  Clearly, Connor thought that was hilarious.

After begging me to just take a picture of her....

Aside from the fact the two girls are in their own little orbits - this would have been a terrible picture because you see the Classy fake-tree pole exposed without presents under it. 

Ok, for fun, this time - Connor, you look at the camera and Taylor - you become totally enamored with the carpet or sock or whatever the HECK WAS ON THE FLOOR.

Oh let's put this ornament on the tree together.  Yeah, that's reeeeeeeeal cute. 

See what I mean?!  AND I didn't even post ALL of the outtakes.  Thank goodness for digital cameras; just 6 years ago I would have had to develop all sorts of film for this.  Keep your fingers crossed, there's still a chance that I can get a couple more pictures taken for the card before Monday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 1

Today I am thankful for a flexible job that allows me to work from home when needed. Because of this, I was able to attend the girls' Thanksgiving lunch at school, twice!  I spent the first hour with Connor's class...messy 1 year olds.  And the second with the CRAZY 3 & 4 year olds...Taylor's class made special hats for the occassion.  Anyone remember when I dressed up like a Pilgrim in preschool??

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Warning! The following pictures are not attractive!

This is what happens when you take a tired baby & a crazy preschooler shopping....

One falls asleep in the cart.

The other walks around with a shopping bag on her head. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arkalalah and Halloween

I realize in the previous post I said 'tomorrow I would update', guess I lied.  I'll stay away from words and just get some more of those pics uploaded....
Uncharacteristically, Taylor wanted us to all sit on this bench instead of riding the horses.  I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed.

Connor & Papa...she was constantly trying to dive off his shoulders.  She thought that was hilarious; I did not.

Connor & my Aunt Becky (with Grandma in the background).  Both girls had lots of fun with Aunt Becky...just like I always did. 

Taylor observing the parade from a little higher vantage point.


Halloween!  It was impossible to get a good picture of both of them at once.  Connor wouldn't wear her wings while we were at home either.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

October - the fantasy month....

Maybe it's because I'm incredibly busy at work right now, or I'm just slowly losing my mind....but October flew by.  Which is a shame, because it's one of my favorite months.  The weather was great, leaves changed and it seems like we were busy every weekend.  Let's recap:

October 2nd - Taylor's Princess Party Weekend

October 8-9

We went to the pumpkin patch as a family, and didn't take any pictures.  During the week though,Taylor and I went back to the pumpkin patch with her class at school for a fieldtrip. 
October 16/17
Maple Leaf Weekend/Andy's Class Reunion
Miss Nora's 1st Birthday Party
Nora's mommy makes cakes.T could not wait to dig into these superb cupcakes.

Miss Nora!

Nora & Connor playing with Nora's new shopping cart.

October 23
We carved our pumpkins
Connor, that rag was to clean off the pumpkins, not to eat.

October 24
The Travelling Wagners came through town, and we all got together for a family dinner.  Taylor & Kaleb were able to play with each other....and they were sooooooo excited.
Anya was not thrilled with the idea of picture taking. 

October 30-31
 Arkalalah Saturday
Started at the 'Pancake Feeder', as Taylor called it.  Moved on to the carnival, then a 2.5 hour long parade.  TWO AND A HALF HOURS of a parade.  Taylor was happy that she got to see lots of trombones.

OH!  My battery is almost done on my laptop.  So, I'll finish up the pictures of Arkalalah and Halloween tomorrow. Good night!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Every time we go shopping, Taylor always asks for a car-cart. She will start the shopping trip adamant that we have to use a car-cart, and about halfway in changes her mind and demands to get out. She usually unbuckles Connor a few times as well...who is then crawling out the top of the cart. Connor also still puts her mouth on everything, so we usually try to wipe down all the surfaces with those handy sanitary wipes the store provides, but I'm sure that's not enough. Not to mention pushing these things are like pushing an actual car, and you can only carry 1/3 of the groceries you would normally get. But nonetheless....we tend to go for the car-cart experience when we can. Because I will take a 50% happy trip over 0% happy any day. The End.

"Now listen Taylor, if you start trying to honk my horn again, I'll pull your hair."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Not a Toddler

I was folding a pair of Taylor's pajamas yesterday, when I noticed the tag was different than others.  Instead of the normal '3T' labeling, this stated 'Toddler 3'.  I laughed out loud.  I don't have a three year old toddler.  To me, a toddler is the stage Connor is on the verge of.  Walks with caution, stands up just to fall down and laugh, eats with her fingers and still rubs it in her hair, still needs diapering, would eat a bubble wand if you gave it to her, and uses a language only her mommy & daddy understand.  Getting Connor to hold still to read a 7 page board book is like getting our dog to not shed his hair.  

Taylor is not a toddler.  I have a 3 year old with an expansive vocabulary and who is able to clearly communicate her thoughts & feelings.  She can run and kick soccer balls, climb ladders, go down slides, swing in big swings, hit a ball off a tee, and can blow all her own bubbles.  She can get into her own car seat and buckle it.  She is fully potty-trained.  She loves to be read to and to read to you.  She also still gets incredibly emotional, and can change from happy to monster in under 30 seconds.  I guess that is why they are called 'pre-schoolers'.  But I also understand that 3PS would look ridiculous on the tag of kids' clothes.  

We celebrated this 3PS birthday over the weekend.  We invited the kids from her class at school, and 5 girls and 2 boys showed up for the princess party.  Taylor had a blast.  I don't remember anything from that afternoon - it is all still a blur.

*Sidenote: I'm noticing that the pictures aren't organized at all as they are uploading, and I'm too lazy to try and drag and drop and fix them.  Eh - you get the idea.

Taylor in her Fairy Princess costume in front of the Princess cakes. 

Wee little Tinkerbell.

Aunt Steph helped T decorate her crown. 

Some of the other moms helping their kids with the crown decorating.

Bubbles! Little Princesses!

A true princess always wears her tennis shoes, and rides the nose of the bouncy lizard.

On her actual birthday...

Tink again (Thanks to all the family and friends who watched this one while I was totally engrossed in the rest of the party. I was so afraid of losing someone else's kid at the park, even though they all had guardians of some sort watching them too.

Oh - again riding the bouncy lizard. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The Dare Devil

The Dancing Queen
(Ignore the background dorky-ness of my voice and the gift bags in the dining room.  I've cleaned up the dining room, but I'm sure my voice is still dorky.  Also, don't ask what is up with her outfit.  It was an interesting evening...)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little ONE

I'm taking a quick break from finding and scraping layers of birthday cake icing off the floor to put up a few pictures of Connor's birthday party.  It was a beautiful early fall day - the kind that is too warm to have your AC turned off but too cool to leave it on.  We left ours off, and now I'm subsequently trying to kill 300 flies that ventured in and out of our really crappy screen door. 

About the party - great turnout of our family and friends.  We are very lucky to have so many great people around us.  Okay, enough sappiness....that's about all you will get from me.

Pre-cake. Taylor was not so cooperative on the smiling at this point. 

Connor's 'Block Cake'.  Made by my mom and so tasty.  I had one of the few remaining pieces for breakfast this morning (healthy, I know). Unfortunately, we didn't prep Taylor on helping to blow out the candle - so I think my mom actually did it.  My head was too far up my camera trying to take a picture that I didn't even think about it.

Post-cake.  You bib?  Don't worry, the dress washed up miraculously well.

Little hillbilly baby chilling with her dad waiting to open the next present.  I cannot believe I forgot to move the uber-trashy plastic basketball off the deck before the party.  Oh well, probably went well with the mosquitoes.

Our attempt at a family picture.  Andy and I were obviously misdirected on which camera we should look at.  Our birthday girl finally had a dress on again, but I apparently was trying to show off her outie.  And the princess was about 47 minutes into a frosting high.  Gah.  We'll try again on the 28th :)

ANYWHO - Happy Birthday sweet baby Connor.  We love you!