Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arkalalah and Halloween

I realize in the previous post I said 'tomorrow I would update', guess I lied.  I'll stay away from words and just get some more of those pics uploaded....
Uncharacteristically, Taylor wanted us to all sit on this bench instead of riding the horses.  I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed.

Connor & Papa...she was constantly trying to dive off his shoulders.  She thought that was hilarious; I did not.

Connor & my Aunt Becky (with Grandma in the background).  Both girls had lots of fun with Aunt Becky...just like I always did. 

Taylor observing the parade from a little higher vantage point.


Halloween!  It was impossible to get a good picture of both of them at once.  Connor wouldn't wear her wings while we were at home either.

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