Monday, August 22, 2011

Taylor & Connor...Unplugged

Friday morning I was woken by a hot, sweaty almost-two year old around 5:00am.  I picked her up, and realized that our fans weren't running.  Then flipped around and looked at the clock - to notice it was also black. A nasty storm had started the night before, and apparently knocked out our power.  In an all electric house with a well, you don't get to shower when there's no power.  Daycare called around 7:10 to let us know they were also without power - so we couldn't even let the girls escape our hot house.  So - without power, AND water and all of us at home (because you know Andy shouldn't go to work without showering!) we went to Quick Trip for breakfast and bathroom breaks in the morning.

Donuts & milk from QT

She is the fastest donut eater I've ever met.

Coloring extra boxes...surprisingly entertaining.

Playing dress-up...or dress-down I guess. They thought sticking those sticky jewel things to their stomachs was so much fun.

And once we convinced everyone to put their clothes back on, Connor thought she should model Taylor's shoes.  Shes got a lotta growing to do....

Power finally came back on at noon, but not soon enough for our milk and about everything else in the fridge. That made for a reeeeeally fun afternoon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Afternoon at Work

I've accomplished all I'm going to get done this week.  I've got a long list to start on for next week, but if I do it all now, what will I do with myself next week?  OH right, go to the 60 hours of meetings scheduled for me.  Well, I'll blog a little picture instead.

This is what happens when you have an almost 2 year-old who is crazy.  Refused to put her clothes back on after getting her diaper changed at the pool.  And decided to try and do a somersault into the pool....crazy.