Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Thanks to Aunt Steph, the girls were all decked out at the MKO parade.  The tiaras had flashing lights - and a secret - the flashing lights never turn off!  Guess what I had to hide under our bed that night??

A couple little things about the girls lately (most of you already know this stuff, but I don't want to forget it - and since the internet lasts forever, this is a saving place!).....

As we drove by construction workers on our way out of town, Taylor looked out the window and sighed: "Oh wow. Those guys have sure been hard workin'."

Taylor's class was lining up at pre-school, and as they did so they were asked to share their favorite food. Most of the kids chose ice cream or pizza...but not my daughter. The teachers note said: "Taylor proudly proclaimed that her favorite food is....MEAT!"

As I dropped off Connor one morning her teacher came over and said, "You know, Connor is becoming quite the class clown. She gets all the other kids to laugh a lot!".   I don't know if that's more funny about Connor, or about the teacher.

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