Monday, April 14, 2008

Anbesol, teething rings, childrens Tylenol, and ice cubes....

Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a tooth. It popped up today at daycare, and is a little sharp bit in Taylor's mouth. I was pretty excited, apparently Taylor isn't McLovin the teething situation though. Our daycare ladies said she was pretty upset until they gave her an ice cube. I'll try to take a picture of the little bugger tomorrow -- maybe we will even brush it!

(OK, chill out if you are thinking "Oh my, Megan is going to hurt her child". 1. No, I am not going to overdose her on anbesol & Tylenol. We haven't even used that stuff yet, but we have it on hand. 2. Of course I am NOT going to aggravate the sensitive gums around her tooth by brushing it. At least not until more of it shows up.)

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