Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A little bit of a lot

Abe Lincoln had a birthday....and so did Andy.  Happy 30th!  FINALLY!

We took a mini-vacation to Branson (yee-haw!) the Thursday/Friday/Saturday of Andy's birthday weekend.  It was nice to get away, stay in a hotel & eat in restaurants. Also nice to not worry about cleaning their stuff - although they may want to consider doing that a little more often.  It is also insane the amount of laundry that compiled and multiplied while we were gone. The girls were happy - they were able to swim in an indoor pool in February. And we ate a place with the worlds largest wooden chicken.  Branson SCREAMS classy - so we fit right in.

We had ONE day of snow.  Two inches tops.  Taylor was so excited to finally have snow, that I let them go out and play when we got home from work/school that day.  Yes, it was dark.  They were only out there for about 10 minutes.  Connor was not such a fan of playing that night....which should have been my first clue that something was wrong...

I thought she seemed stuffy/congested and had the perpetual runny nose while we on vacation, and once we got back I heard a cough a few times at night.  By Tuesday morning, I decided to take her in to get an ear check - assuming ear infection...symtpoms similar in the past. No fever.  Turns out...I'm mother of the year, and my sweet Connor-buggy had RSV!  So - breathing treatments, and home from school for the rest of the week.  Thanks again Mom & Dad for coming to help us out a few days in there :)

Finally over the sickness - we are still up & down with Connor at night. Some nights are excellent (as in she sleeps all night long) other nights are inexplicable. The girl will wake up at 2:30 and just want to sing or play, or she pooped, or she decided to get up and put her fingers in the humidifier vapor-rub area and rub that all over her face. So you can understand that when I went in to check on her one night and found this....I just let sleeping dogs lie....

And finally this week. Monday night, our well stopped working and we had no water until Tuesday mid-day.  I showered at work - thank goodness I joined the gym!  Tuesday night- we had tornado sirens at 10:45. So we carried the sleeping girls (Connor stayed asleep, I do not know how) downstairs and camped out in the basement waiting for the storm to pass.  All seemed fine - until I saw this today....


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