Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'll have a gin & tonic and 1 organic milk, please....

So...A lady in town is upset because the owner of a local establishment (restaurant/coffee shop by day turned into bar at night) told her he thought it was inappropriate for her to bring her 11 month old son to the bar at 11:00 pm.  This has exploded in hippie-town, and even migrated into a breastfeeding debate.  But the root of the article is this: should kids (infants) be allowed in a bar at 11:00 pm?? 

No. No they shouldn't.  That's the answer from this house....besides, can you imagine taking these two there?  I mean, this one would try to get everyone to play hopscotch:

Or shove obnoxious amounts of fruit in her mouth

And this one would lick everyone/everything and try to pull hair

1 comment:

Lisa said...

funny story: that poor excuse for a mother is the ex of our friend. she was a piece of work back in the day, too!